Apply to become a Glen Oak Country Club member today!

Glen Oak Country Club is a private club designed solely for the exclusive use of its members and their guests. To start the application process, we encourage you to fill out the membership application and download two sponsor forms below. Following submittal of the membership application, the Membership Chairman will contact you to schedule an onsite meeting and tour of the facility.

The Club is proud of its facilities and enjoys showing prospective members all of the benefits it offers. After the tour, the application and the appropriate accompanying sponsorship forms (2) are submitted to the Board. If the application is approved, an official invitation will be extended to join.

Glen Oak believes in a high standard of ethics and a superior quality code of behavior that unites its membership. Respect for each other and for club property is exhibited at all times. Rules and regulations are abided by with pride by all members.

Membership Application

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • If less than 5 years at the current employment.
  • If new to this area, were you a Country Club member elsewhere?

  • Please list your two Glen Oak Sponsors below:
  • Social Security Number

    Please note: Social Security Number will be required to apply for Glen Oak Country Club membership; however, for security reasons, we will contact you directly for this information.

  • Clear Signature
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Clear Signature
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY